Friday, May 3, 2024

Boycotting Trump

You need to be both a political activist and a consumer activist.

The U.S. rejected refugee Anne Frank – let’s not make the same mistake again

“What is done cannot be undone, but one can prevent it happening again.”

Ryan’s fundraising off health care and trying to kill It for millions

He’s determined to raise as much money as possible to fuel his own rise, and his party’s, no matter how many people’s health may suffer in the process.

Wall Street plowboys

Adding to the inequality that has affected so many farmworkers is the fact that Wall Street has our nation's farmland.

The ‘lower the tax rate to boost businesses’ competitiveness scam

When we cut taxes on corporations we are actually cutting taxes on a few people. And not just people, but very, very rich people.

The only fake news that provably threw the election to Trump was not Russian

The Democrats introduced the term “fake news” just days after losing the election.

By hunting down the law-abiding undocumented, Trump harms us all

More of those arriving are from Central America rather than Mexico, and they fleeing dangerous situations in their home countries.

7 signs of tyranny

Do these sound like Trump to you?

Morbid inequality: Now just SIX men have as much wealth as half the world’s...

As inequality ravages the American and world economies, denial grows right along with it.

James Baldwin and the meaning of whiteness

“There are days, this is one of them, when you wonder what your role is in this country and what your future is in it.”