Sunday, May 19, 2024

Trump’s con exposes ‘change-at-any-price’ delusions

“Change” is neither easy nor free and that makes Trumpism, without vetted programs, no more than empty rhetoric. Who but the Trumpster makes 282 unrealistic campaign pledges?

The slow, painful death of the TPP

Did the decision by proponents of the TPP to push ahead with their deal almost certainly cost Hillary Clinton the election?

Waiting for the barbarians

There will be rebels. They will live in the shadows. The state will have little tolerance of them. They will be our hope.

Trump’s seven techniques to control the media

Historically, these seven techniques have been used by demagogues to erode the freedom and independence of the press.

Libeled by the Washington Post in a ‘false news’ McCarthyite attack on alternative media

Is the Pentagon behind this massive hit on independent journalism?

Koch Kollege for right-wing social engineers

The billionaire Koch brothers are funding a school to promote their views, but the message is hard to swallow.

As neo-nazis hail him, Trump shrugs

The longer Trump allows white nationalists to decorate their propaganda with his name the more suspicion he provokes about his own ideology and intentions.

A minority president: Why the polls failed, and what the majority can do

Right now the majority is fighting back, pointing out what is wrong with Trump day after day.

Trump’s infrastructure ‘plan’ is really just a privatization scam

The lesson to be learned is: If Donald Trump and Republicans are proposing something that sounds good on the surface, we all need to look deeper and figure out what con game they are running this time.

Bing Bing, Bong Bong, Bing Bing

It is important for us to continue to organize and mobilize across the country around populist issues and local campaigns.