Sunday, May 5, 2024

Why don’t we have free trade for highly paid professions in the U.S.?

The potential benefits for the economy would be enormous.

Finally, a chance to remake the Democratic Party

The Democratic Party needs to become a cause more people want to fight for. In the midst of defeat, it has that chance.

We are all deplorables

The oligarchs and corporations, many of them proponents of political correctness, are our enemy.

Turn widespread discontent into mass movement

We can turn widespread discontent into a mass movement with the power to transform the nation.

The terrorism targeting our grandchildren

These children, our own children and grandchildren, are facing terrors because of the self-serving corporate demand for profit over human need.

The first 100 day resistance agenda

We’re not going away.

For the good of the party: It’s time for Donna Brazile to go

Brazile's duplicitous behavior is a symbol and symptom of the Democratic Party leadership.

Four years of Donald Trump could sink the planet

If Trump isn’t going to pare CO2 emissions significantly, then the US alone could cook the planet, even if China and others act more responsibly.

12 notes from a political autopsy

The left and the party faithful may be angry at each other, but they’re on the same side now, locked together in a nonviolent political movement to resist Trumpism and remake American politics.

Capitalism itself is to blame for Donald Trump

America lashed out at our economic system, but our new president-elect won’t be able to help. Instead, argues Professor Richard Wolff, we must change the way we approach work.