Monday, June 17, 2024

The trade deal crusaders: Can they never learn?

The TPP and other next generation trade deals are also about putting in place stronger and longer patent and copyright protections.

The theocratic scourge when a fundamentalist minority wars against diverse, majority rule politics

What the savvy Founders elevated was an enlightened chain of being that linked freedom, secular democracy and the exclusion of a state religion.

Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda

Maybe if we stopped claiming that we were the greatest, most exceptional, most indispensable nation ever and that the U.S. military was the finest fighting force in the history of the world, both we and the world might be better off and modestly more peaceful.

What happens when bad money supports good foreign policy?

The anti-war movement needs money, and the Koch brothers have it. But it comes with strings attached.

Brand loyalties dominate our life choices—but party brands are hardly created equal

Sorry, but a convicted scoundrel struggling to stay out of jail only to become a fascist commando sounds like a miracle way to lose.

Fracking filthy fuel

England is the only country within the UK where fracking is currently allowed.

The Incredible Shrinking Populist: Donald Trump’s Tiny Economic Vision

Donald Trump is all talk and no action. In the end, he’s just another selfish and small-minded Republican, with tiny dreams and a tiny vision in a nation that is still capable of greatness.

Our responsibility after Trump’s climate withdrawal

Trump follows previous U.S. presidents who have undermined climate action: The only path to climate justice is people power.

In resistance to Trump, “community” should be a verb

During the presidency of Popular-Vote Loser Trump we’ll need each other to make resistance personally sustainable, socially viable and political effective.

An economy in the fast lane – with no brakes

When the next recession hits, the working people of the United States will pay the steepest price.