Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Who are our Rescuers? Us!

This April, the Democracy Awakening and Democracy Spring are bring together a diverse coalition of labor, business, environmentalists, public interest advocates, media and issue-specific constituencies, along with you, me and thousands of mavericks.

Reform or Revolution

Rosa Luxemburg warned the left about becoming seduced by liberals who speak the language of reform but serve the interests of capitalism. And she understood that holding fast to revolutionary ideals was, especially in a moment of crisis, a moral imperative.

Deterrents to Terror that Very Rich People Can’t Comprehend

Polls show that Americans are more afraid of a terrorist attack than at any other time since 9/11, even though the rate of violent crime has been consistently dropping since 1993.

Revolutions R Us!

Our Revolution's goal is not just to run and raise issues, but to win, govern, and transform our society from plutocracy to democracy — a nation of social, racial, and environmental justice.

We must know the truth

This is the worst scandal involving the White House and a foreign power since Iran-Contra. Demand the facts.

Filling in the magic asterisk: The Republican tax reform proposal

We might want to tell Speaker Ryan to keep his magic asterisks and leave the tax rates for the rich alone.

Today’s Top Seven Myths About Islamic State

While ISIS continues to haunt the nightmares of Western journalists and security analysts, Juan Cole points out some assertions about the "Islamic State" that are truly exaggerated and completely incorrect.

There’s a big hole in the center of the Democratic Party

Voters are embracing new ideas and new goals, and smart politicians are helping advance the process.

It’s now time for Medicare for all

Democrats are wise to seize the moment. The time has come for Medicare for all.

More than ‘moron,’ more like plague

Would that Trump were only or simply “a moron.” The problem is worse, but the solution is getting clearer.