Thursday, April 25, 2024

Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson Takes High-School Detention To A New Level

Is "Operation Border Guardian" intended to create fear among those still in Central America who might consider taking the perilous journey north to the U.S.?

All the Presumptive Nominee’s Men

For a guy who yells about Washington and Wall Street money in politics, Donald Trump sure has a lot on insiders on his team.

Pent up Fury Beneath the Bernie and Donnie Phenomena

They are the reason the Bernie and Donnie phenomena are not just 2016 flare-ups — but in the words of Sanders' clarion call — "a political revolution."

Into the World of Work

What do you need to know – about the new world of work, but also about yourself.

72-Year-Old Fringe Left Candidate Wins Presidency in Austrian Run-Off Election — Is There a...

Austrians just elected a crusty 72-year-old leftist as their country's president in a surprise result that saw both their major mainstream party's candidates crushed. Could a crusty 74-year-old leftist named Bernie Sanders pull off the same feat here in the US, running as a Green candidate if Hillary Clinton gets the Democratic nomination?

Reform or Revolution

Rosa Luxemburg warned the left about becoming seduced by liberals who speak the language of reform but serve the interests of capitalism. And she understood that holding fast to revolutionary ideals was, especially in a moment of crisis, a moral imperative.

Disposable Americans: The Numbers are Growing

What's astonishing is the disregard that many of the super-rich have for struggling Americans.

The Case for Superdelegates Selecting Sanders

It’s time to bring the newly energized electorate to the polls and to see the powerful vision of superdelegates come to fruition.

Why Trump Might Win

Trump’s demagoguery makes him the most dangerous nominee of a major political party in American history.

Breaking Free: A Rising Tide Of Climate Resistance

There has long been a clarion call to save the planet for future generations. It becomes increasingly clear that it is the younger generation that will save us all.