Saturday, May 4, 2024

What happened to the party of limited government?

The Republican Party now poses a clear and present threat even to the values it once espoused.

Trump hides behind the storm

As Hurricane Harvey raged, the president tried to use the disaster as cover. It may have worked.

Crimes of the Trump era (a preview)

The 25/8 news cycle is already rolling, but the looting of America hasn’t really begun.

How the NRA Is Harming American Security: Mass Shootings as Serial Terrorism

What must not be lost sight of is that the San Bernardino shooters had legally bought assault rifles, and it was the assault rifles that allowed them to commit this carnage.

How the U.S. Went Fascist: Mass Media Make Excuses for Trump Voters (Video)

When Benjamin Franklin was asked by a lady after the Constitutional Convention what sort of government the US had, he said, “A Republic, Madame, if you can keep it.” You have to wonder if we can keep it.

Police Killings Won’t Stop

The corporate state, until it is destroyed, will do what it is designed to do—kill with impunity.

We All Are Islamic State

The killings in Brussels or Paris and the killings in U.S. military strikes in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria or Libya perpetuate the same dark lusts. The savage tit-for-tat game will not end until we rouse ourselves from our hypnotized state.

Beyond ‘no’ and the limits of ‘yes’: A review of Naomi Klein’s ‘No Is...

No is not enough. But yes is not enough, either. Our fate lies in the joy and grief of maybe.

Who Lost the White Working Class?

Nothing in politics is ever final. Democrats could still win back the white working class – putting together a coalition of the working class and poor, of whites, blacks, and Latinos.

Trump burning to ban “farcical impeachment circuses,” the “worst partisan bush-whacking”

“Does it make any sense that House impeachment needs only a simple majority but the all-important Senate trial needs two-thirds to convict and remove?