Friday, July 26, 2024

The absurd amount of entitlements that go to rich people

Wealthy Americans complain about ‘entitlements’ for the poor, but they keep collecting their own entitlements, to a degree that average Americans can only dream about.

Our country, the United States, is a rogue nation and our leaders are criminals

Should we fear for the future of this rogue nation and of the world?

China’s global leadership list

What should the U.S. do to try and keep up with China?

Donald Trump Disrobed (It Isn’t Pretty…)

Either we recognize our own responsibility and demand better of ourselves AND our political leaders, or one day soon we will wake up and discover that the country we know and love is gone forever.

Exploring the mindset of a typical, hardcore Trump supporter: Part two

“All I can say is that there is some good news in this situation: at least, two-thirds of the American people have their heads on straight.”

How the U.S. has empowered and armed neo-Nazis in Ukraine

Right now, Ukrainians are united in their resistance to Russia’s invasion, but we should not be surprised when the U.S. alliance with neo-Nazi proxy forces in Ukraine, including the infusion of billions of dollars in sophisticated weapons, results in similarly violent and destructive blowback.

It’s worse than you think

We face the most profound crisis in human history. Our response is to elect a man to the presidency who does not believe in climate change.

The Real Terrorists: The .01%

Real terror, facing life without shelter and warmth and sustenance, without a semblance of security for even one day in the future, is terror caused in good part by the 16,000 people who don't feel it's necessary to pay for the benefits heaped upon them by a perversely unequal society.

Seven Bizarre Assertions from Clinton and Her Supporters

Recent arguments made to bolster Clinton are flawed, as per usual.

The 15 warnings signs of impending tyranny

Consider yourself warned.