Thursday, May 9, 2024

A Perfect Portrait of Corporate Crime

Martin Winterkorn, VW’s disgraced CEO, was forced to resign after the auto maker's eco-friendly diesel cars actually polluted the air more than allowed by law. Finally, a CEO must pay the consequences for betraying consumers and the environment?

Where Are the Populist Democrats?

While “extreme inequality has corrupted other societies,” what about our own society? It's time Hillary Clinton and her party’s populist strength take a swing at a "down-the-middle issue" that’s staring them in the face.

On Gas Tax Increase, Obama is Wrong—and (Some) Republicans are Right

People on the right, as well as many on the left, are urging the President to consider an increase in the federal gasoline tax to maintain America's transportation infrastructure and reduce greenhouse gases. Could a "bipartisan" approach be of value to this country?

VIDEO: The Worst Trade Deal You Never Heard Of

Robert Reich explains the Trans-Pacific Partnership and gives reason to say “no” to fast-tracking. The deal is bad for the vast majority of Americans, watch and see why.

Today’s Top Seven Myths About Islamic State

While ISIS continues to haunt the nightmares of Western journalists and security analysts, Juan Cole points out some assertions about the "Islamic State" that are truly exaggerated and completely incorrect.

Ethiopian General Election

Was the recent election in Ethiopia an insult to the people and democracy? The citizens are abused and suppressed by a brutal, arrogant regime that acts in violation of all democratic ideals.

How GOP Candidates Would Deal with Syria (the Short Version) (Video)

During the second GOP debate at CNN, anchor Jake Tapper asked the question: "What would you do right now if you were president, to get the Russians out of Syria?" Watch as each candidate dodges the question.

Four Score and Seven Years Ago… at Disney World

Have we been living in a futuristic science fiction novel through the most bizarre American century yet? Tom Engelhardt discusses the demobilization of the American people and the spectacle of the 2016 elections.

Anticipatory Bribery

It's about time the people that run for office feel the burden of revealing payments based on their economic worth, not anticipated political clout. Have we entered a future of anticipatory bribery?

My Teacher

Chris Hedges discuss Rev. Coleman Brown's legacy and how Brown had the most profound impact of all his teachers on his education.