Saturday, April 27, 2024

All Forms of Life Are Sacred

Just because animals are cognitively different from us, why is it people's belief that they have lesser moral value? Using them is the ultimate problem—it does not matter how well we treat them.

Cheating the School Kids: Corporations Don’t Pay Their STATE Taxes, Either

It's hard for a nation to build work skills when its corporations have largely stopped paying for education. Both federal and state corporate tax avoidance is at a stunning rate. This is millions of dollars that isn't going to state taxes, which fund public education.

A Flat-footed Backflip for Wall Street

Congress did a dazzling flip-flop, putting taxpayers back on the hook for the banksters’ high-risk speculation. It's always something else when Wall Street and Congress get together—in secret.

New Year’s Resolutions: Ten Ways to Combat Upward Redistribution of Income

The one percent pretend that their good fortune was the result of the natural workings of the market. Is it possible to change the structure of the market so that money doesn’t continue to flow upward?

GOP, Stop Making Excuses for Scalise

Twelve years ago Rep. Steve Scalise accepted an invitation to speak for a racist and anti-Semitic hate group. His story should serve as a warning to the leaders of the Republican Party.

The Year Iraq Ceased to Exist: Will It Ever Again?

Most likely the Sunni Arabs will be brought back under Baghdad’s sway, but Kurdistan has disappeared except on paper. Can Iraq be put back together?

Populist Proposals Win in 2014

While the Democrats had a poor showing at the polls in 2014, populist and progressive ideas surged. An array of unabashedly populist ballot initiatives were passed by pollsters.

Climate Deniers, Like Big Tobacco, Thrive Behind a Smoke Screen of Doubt

Just like the tobacco industry, the fossil-fuel industry is denying the science of climate change and working full speed to derail any progress by marketing its primary product: doubt.

The Prison State of America

The "carceral state” we live in will not be reformed through elections, or by appealing to political elites or the courts. We are caught in a prison state and lockdown of American politics.

Did Drought and Climate Change Cause Middle Eastern States to Collapse in 2014?

The collapse of the Middle Eastern states is pointing to climate change as one culprit. The already bad climate problems in the Middle East will only get worse over the next 50 years.