Sunday, May 5, 2024

Connecting with nature is a path to finding joy in life

An interview with the creator of the short film “Ode to Joy,” which celebrates connection with nature as a portal to deeper connection with self and each other.

Why does Amazon get corporate welfare?

Not satisfied with just taking your money, Amazon is coming after your tax dollars as well.

Is it Too Late to Save the Planet?

Our planet's ecosystem is under duress and human activity and human behavior as the main culprits. It's time our species stops contributing to the problem and starts becoming the solution.

Who will lead the anti-Trump resistance?

Figures like Sanders, Ellison, and Elizabeth Warren embody both the ideas and the integrity Democrats will need to mobilize their base and win back lost voters.

Great mask furor: Monkey trials redux. Faith alone vs. science and reason

How much disease and death is enough to force this nation to learn from failure, reject T.V. magic shows and return to sane science?

What can the United States bring to the peace table for Ukraine?

The United States bears its share of responsibility for this crisis that is destroying Ukraine and placing the world in "unprecedented danger," as the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists' new Doomsday Clock statement calls it.

America’s Electoral Farce

Ripping down the structures of the corporate state is a must as the 2016 presidential election is looming in the distance. This means refusing to co-operate. It means joining or building radical mass movements and carrying out civil disobedience.

Yes, George W Bush Bears Some Responsibility for US Vulnerability on 9/11 (Video)

While George W. Bush loyalists’ refrain that he “kept us safe,” the Bush administration could have done more to forestall 9/11. Did the Bush gang cynically use 9/11 to take America to war on false pretenses?

The New Big 5: How wildlife photography can help save threatened species

Shooting animals with cameras, not guns, is one key path forward in wildlife conservation.

On MAGA’s deceptive fixation: founders ‘ordained this Christian nation’

But when did factual truth matter/ To yahoos seizing forms to shatter?