Friday, April 19, 2024

Deadly strikes on UN shelters in Gaza heighten calls for humanitarian ceasefire

In the shadow of ongoing conflict, sanctuaries for the displaced come under fire.

Enough folded flags: Military families speak out against the Afghanistan War

A nation that doesn't remember the people sent to fight on its behalf has no business sending more.

Memory loss in the garden of violence

How Americans remember (and forget) their wars.

Russia is from Mars, Ukraine is from Venus

Russia is acting like an abusive husband in this gendered conflict.

Paris: Beirut in the Heart of Europe?

Like in Beirut, Paris has experienced “a war without rules, a war of attrition, a war aimed at states in which stateless killers target civilians.” We need to stand with Paris during this crucial time and vanquish terrorism.

Caught in The Draft ( 1973)

How many kids out there would feel lost when the stupid phony war came home to them too?

Imperial dominance disguised as democratic deterrence

The Pentagon's national defense strategy drives record military spending.

Peace Congress replaces Trump military parade on November 10 in Washington, DC

End U.S. wars at home and abroad. Reclaim Armistice Day.

Noam Chomsky on Bernie Sanders and Our ‘Bought’ Political System

Who does Noam Chomsky support in Election 2016? Watch as he discusses his reasons for his preference for Democratic candidates and the differences between the political parties.

Trump’s Iran aggression deserves full-throated opposition

Trump is betraying his voters and threatening millions of lives. Call him on it before it’s too late.