Tuesday, May 7, 2024

After warning of ‘large and painful military operation,’ Israel begins massive bombing of Gaza

"Israeli snipers shoot and kill scores of unarmed Palestinian protesters in Gaza, including kids, then calls it self-defense. When a Palestinian sniper fires at one Israeli soldier, Israel bombs Gaza with F-16s and preps for all out war."

Progressive Briefing for Monday, July 16, 2018

12 Russian intelligence officers indicted for election interference, the royal family snubs Trump, 28 civilians killed by U.S.-led bombing in Syria, and more.

Who is making a killing on killing?

As the saying goes, follow the money to find out who profits from all this death and devastation.

Progressive Briefing for Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Another oil spill, fracking fuels climate change, Mueller investigates Blackwater founder Erik Prince, and more.

Too easily forgotten: The tragedy of Yemen

The ugly face of this senseless war, as in most contemporary conflicts involving large aerial campaigns, is often hidden behind closed doors.

Imperial president or emperor with no clothes?

Could Donald Trump’s trade wars lead to a Great Depression?

Progressive Briefing for Wednesday, June 20, 2018

U.S. withdraws from Human Rights Council, Canada legalizes recreational marijuana, first ladies unite against family separation at the border, and more.

Infinite war

The gravy train rolls on.

Funding evil in Afghanistan (and beyond)

It may seem cynical to say so, but after almost 18 years of occupation, it sometimes seems that an entire country, one of the poorest in the world, has been turned into a kind of live fire training ground for U.S. and allied forces.

War and the imperial presidency

Congress offers a bipartisan blank check to Donald Trump.