Thursday, April 25, 2024

Biden must choose between a ceasefire in Gaza and a regional war

The genocide in Gaza and the stark choice facing President Biden and U.S. decision-makers.

President Obama Drones On And On; Ranks Of New Terrorists Swell

What will President Obama be known for in future history books? It could be for some positive changes he made for his citizens or it could be for his poor decision to open the door to drone warfare.

The Pentagon as Pentagod

In truth, the deity America believes in is the five-sided one headquartered in Arlington, Virginia.

Dangerous provocations: North Korea’s missiles and the risk of war

The Korean conflict is much more nuanced than the black and white way it’s usually presented.

What’s the Point in Any of It?

One day, in one life, when the attractions of the sensory world have lost their charm, when we begin to see the truth of the Buddha’s words – that desire is cause of all suffering; when television, video games, sex, drugs and alcohol fail to fill the inner emptiness; when we sit in a pub with a friend and ask aloud, what the point of it all is.

Brussels Is Under High Security Alert, But Will Europe Address Muslims in "Marginalized Ghettos"?

Belgium’s capital city of Brussels is on its highest alert as residents remain on lockdown. People are being told to stay away from their windows, and schools remain closed as police and soldiers carry out raids in the search for suspects in the Paris attacks ten days ago that killed 130 people.

A nonviolent strategy to liberate Syria

The difference between success and failure in any struggle is the soundness of the strategy.

The antiwar movement no one can see

Will it put a crimp in the War on Terror?

Trump pulls back from Iran attack as Bolton & Pompeo continue to push for...

After threatening to strike Iran in retaliation for shooting down an unmanned U.S. drone, President Trump reportedly approved, and then abruptly called...

If the US or NATO put fighters in the air over Ukraine we’d have...

This is for the idiot politicians and pundits calling for a US 'no-fly' zone over Ukraine.