Thursday, April 25, 2024

After 20 years and over $2.6 trillion, the US has lost its longest war...

And we still aren’t truly leaving, as Biden says bombings will still continue, as will “over the horizon” attacks on the Taliban.

Destroying Raqqa in order to save it

The devastation of Raqqa was not covered in the English language press with the same vigor as the earlier battle for Aleppo.

War in Ukraine and ICBMs: The untold story of how they could blow up...

With sky-high tensions between the world’s two nuclear superpowers, the chances of ICBMs starting a nuclear conflagration have increased as American and Russian forces face off in close proximity.

Ethiopia: peace is impossible while TPLF roam the land

For peace talks to be positive both parties must want the conflict to end.

Is Trump setting the US up for further al-Qaeda attacks by putting Troops in...

The impetus for the return of US troops to Prince Sultan Airbase in Saudi Arabia is the renewed tensions with Iran.

Full speed ahead on the global Titanic

Going along with the utter madness of nuclear weapons.

Mogadishu massacre: Hospitals run out of blood, antibiotics for victims in mass bombing killing...

The explosions came after the Trump administration stepped up a U.S. campaign against al-Shabab in Somalia.

A teenage war resister in Israel

An antiwar story from the embattled Middle East.

Half million Ukrainian refugees and counting, says UN office

One refugee expressed hope "that the bombs stop. That the killing stops. And that we can go home again."

Autopilot wars

Sixteen years, but who’s counting?