Thursday, May 2, 2024

Tag: Bernie Sanders

Pent up Fury Beneath the Bernie and Donnie Phenomena

They are the reason the Bernie and Donnie phenomena are not just 2016 flare-ups — but in the words of Sanders' clarion call — "a political revolution."

What Does Bernie Want?

No one likes a sore loser. But one of the hardest challenges in politics is to be a generous winner.

Senate Democrats Considering Replacing DNC Chair

Democrats discuss whether to #DumpDebbie from her position as chairperson of the Democratic National Committee.

Bernie Sanders Fights Against Austerity For Impoverished Puerto Ricans

“Today, I am proud to stand in strong opposition to this bill not only with the people of Puerto Rico, but the AFL-CIO, UAW, SEIU, AFSCME, UFCW and other unions that recognize just how bad this bill would be.”

The Case for Superdelegates Selecting Sanders

It’s time to bring the newly energized electorate to the polls and to see the powerful vision of superdelegates come to fruition.

Democrats Can’t Unite Unless Wasserman Schultz Goes!

The Democratic National Committee chair has thrown fuel on the flames of infighting just as the party faces a critical November election.

Clinton: “There Is No Way that I Won’t Be” Nominated

Bernie Sanders insists “We are in till the last ballot is cast.”

How to Make the Democratic Nominating Process Actually Democratic

A Sanders campaign advisor lays out 3 proposals.

Bernie Sanders Responds to Nevada Convention Debacle

“The Democratic Party has a choice. It can open its doors and welcome into the party people who are prepared to fight for real economic and social change...Or the party can choose to maintain its status quo structure."

Why Bernie Sanders Should Stay in the Race—and How He Can...

“Those who want to see the Sanders campaign continue through Election Day need to urge Sanders to meet with Jill Stein and to not endorse Clinton. Sanders will only change course if he is pushed from the grassroots.”


Bernie Sanders speaks out: Criticizing Israeli policy is not antisemitism

Amid national debate over Gaza protests, Senator Bernie Sanders challenges the narrative equating criticism of Israel with antisemitism, drawing on his personal history and widespread American discontent.

US intervenes as ICC mulls war crime warrants for Netanyahu

As the ICC prepares to potentially issue arrest warrants for high-ranking Israeli officials, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, for war crimes, a closer look at the concerted efforts by the U.S. and Israel to prevent these legal actions.

American campuses erupt in protests over Gaza, drawing harsh police response and national outrage

As students across the U.S. demand university divestment and an end to military aid for Israel, aggressive crackdowns raise alarms about civil liberties.

Turning the tide: How global conservation efforts are curbing biodiversity loss

A decade-long scientific study reveals significant success in conservation actions worldwide, offering hope amidst the biodiversity crisis.

Eight drivers that springboard Trump’s nose-dive into humiliated loser

What makes even a lousy career criminal look bad? To be proved a blundering, hypocritical boob.