Tag: Big Tech
Maryland lawmakers endorse ban to stop big tech companies from tracking...
Maryland Kids Code would ban technology companies from tracking minors' activity online and then using the data to push targeted ads or manipulate their online behavior for profit.
How Big Tech sees big profits in social-emotional learning at school
Digital products that monitor students’ online behavior raise concerns about how companies use that data for profit.
How unaccountable institutions are shaping your life
Three centers of power increasingly dominate our lives: The Supreme Court, the Federal Reserve, and Big Tech.
The socially responsible tech company: Can big tech be fixed?
having a diverse leadership serves the leaders and members of an organization as much as it does its users.
Why we need to break up big tech
Monopolies aren’t good for anyone except for the monopolists.
Warren is correct about busting up big tech
In this new Gilded Age, we need to respond to them as forcefully as we did the first time around. Warren’s ideas are a good start.
Why Big Tech May be Getting Too Big
Americans are in a false debate over free market vs. government. This discussion leads us to the questions: who are the real influencers over legislative decisions and who will ultimately win this game?