Monday, May 6, 2024

Tag: Donald Trump

Dividing the Right and conquering Trump

Trump's extremely effective at dividing and conquering his opponents. What would it take for progressives to divide his supporters?

Trump leads the religious right to the promised land

Evangelicals’ alignment with Trump shows their affinity for power over morality.

Rex Tillerson backs aggressive policy in disputed South China Sea as...

Will Tillerson see the world through “oil-coated glasses”?

Frederick Douglass: Power concedes nothing without a demand

Despite presidential misconceptions, Frederick Douglass is dead. But he continues to inspire people around the world.

A marriage made in hell: Trump, Bannon and “the Muslim ban”

Trump and his inner circle seem intent on using the cudgel of the executive to diminish the clout of the judiciary and the Congress.

Donald Trump’s mission creep just took a giant leap forward

In just a few days, the new president has upended the rules of democracy with a clumsy, heavy-handedness worse than we imagined.

Is Trump’s America our America?

Here we are in Trumplandia, with a delusional leader of a plutocratic party trying to redefine reality with “alternative facts,” fake news, and a blitzkrieg of Orwellian “Newspeak.”

Labeling Trump voters as racists or bigots will only alienate potential...

Call Trump on his lies and make people question whether what he says or does aligns with American values… or their own.

Don’t focus on Gorsuch, focus on Trump

Trump is the issue here, as well as the integrity of our democracy.


Biden faces criticism over condemnation of pro-Palestinian campus protests

The president's portrayal of these protests as violent and lawless has not only stirred controversy, but may also deepen the rift between him and many progressive constituents.

A second Trump presidency: A blueprint for unprecedented executive power

Trump articulates a blueprint for an administration that could profoundly reshape the governance and global stance of the United States.

Arizona abortion rights face crucial test as Governor Hobbs repeals century-old ban

This legislative change, which has been long sought by advocates, sets the stage for a November ballot measure that could further secure abortion rights in Arizona.

Unveiling the titans of carbon: How 57 companies drive the global climate crisis

The quest to curb emissions becomes not just a matter of individual or national effort but a pressing need for accountability at the corporate level.

Ukraine, Israel, and the incoherence of US foreign policy

The legislation that emerges from the U.S. Congress is often as ugly and unappetizing as the process that created it.