Friday, September 20, 2024

Tag: food

EPA Influenced to Delay Glyphosate Cancer Review

Biotech companies, including Monsanto, have all influenced the EPA in postponing these important and necessary meetings saying the speakers will be too biased.

6 Questions for Monsanto

Monsanto, the biotech giant, has become the poster-child for all that’s wrong with our industrial food and farming system.

Undercover Investigation Exposes Shocking Neglect at Third Largest Pig Farm in...

The Maschhoffs, the third largest pig producer in the U.S., has just been exposed for mistreating their pigs.

FDA Changes Food Nutrition Label Requirements for the First Time in...

Michelle Obama helped to announce on Friday that the FDA approved a new set of requirements for food nutrition labels for the first time in decades.

‘Frankenfish’ Threatens Food Safety

Despite the continued fight from public health and climate activists, genetically modified salmon has been officially authorized for sale in Canada.

Big Ag Fights to the Bitter End to Keep Pesticide From...

“So it comes as no surprise that Big Ag will fight to the bitter end to keep its grip on pesticides and other outdated and environmentally risky tools.”

Nestlé Removes GMO Ingredients from Ice Cream

Nestlé will be removing all GMOs from six of its top selling ice cream brands.

In a Surprise Win for Democracy Over Corporate Power, GMO Labeling...

Those predicting an easy Senate defeat for mandatory labeling saw corporations fold one by one in the face of a strong food movement.

Big Food Says They Will Label GMOs … But Is There...

Consumers have no choice but to continue to demand GMO labeling without any compromises. We should be able to know what food we are putting in our mouths!

Removing Artificial Ingredients Helped Turn Around Cereal Sales

General Mills is selling more Cheerios, Lucky Charms, and other products, reversing losses suffered last year.


Chicago teachers want to transform their city into a ‘system of care’—will Dems go...

Headbutting and friction continue in the battle of big ideas vs. entrenched leadership.

A ceasefire is not enough in Gaza

On Nov. 6, regardless of who wins the election on the day before, Biden needs to withdraw all his political capital from the bank and spend it in the Middle East.

Georgia’s deadly abortion ban: The tragic deaths of two Black women, Candi Miller &...

Candi Miller and Amber Thurman, both Black women and mothers to young children, died after they were unable to access care for rare but typically treatable complications caused by medication abortion.

Norway reaches historic milestone as electric vehicles outnumber petrol cars for the first time

Norway’s rapid transition to electric vehicles, a global first, shows the impact of policy incentives and ambitious climate goals, setting the pace for the rest of the world.

Trump-appointed judges continue assault on workers’ rights by undermining NLRB

In a move that could reshape labor rights across the country, these judges are granting preliminary injunctions to companies that argue the NLRB’s structure violates the U.S. Constitution.