Saturday, April 20, 2024

Tag: incarceration

Kentucky unleashes fury with bill to legalize deadly force against unhoused

A controversial bill in Kentucky aims to criminalize homelessness and expand 'Stand Your Ground' laws, sparking widespread criticism for its approach to a growing social issue.

Behind bars and beyond burgers: Exposing Alabama’s prison labor exploitation

This lawsuit seeks not only to compensate those who have been exploited, but also to dismantle a system that generates an estimated $450 million annually from this coerced labor.

How incarcerated people are helping at-risk youth avoid prison

By sharing our lived experiences, I have seen how incarcerated people can stop the pipeline funneling troubled teens to prison.

Grassroots organizing in red states is at the heart of abolitionist...

One of the biggest struggles for abolitionists right now is for organizers to really believe in their own power to enact the world of abundance and safety that is a necessary part of an abolitionist future.

New report shows persistent racial and ethnic disparities in youth incarcerations

While youth incarceration has dropped by almost half over the last decade, Back and American Indian youth are more likely to be incarcerated than white youth.

Nationwide prison strike in its fourth day, reports of action coming...

"This is a human rights campaign and each of these demands should be understood through a human rights lens."

Pity the Children

If we continue to ignore the hunger, poverty and desperate families and communities of our young, we guarantee there will be a huge, violent population plagued by crime, drug addiction and high incarceration rates. If we save the children, we save society.

Boycott, Divest and Sanction Corporations that Feed on Prisons

Mass incarceration has turned into a huge revenue stream for corporations as the for-profit prison industry is worth about $70 billion. Attempts to reform the industry are useless at a political level. So how can we fix it?


The Fourth Amendment is Not for Sale Act and the battle against government spying

The FANFSA, passed with a 219-199 vote, garnered support from both sides of the aisle, with 96 Democrats and 123 Republicans backing the bill.

Progressive International unveils database exposing global right-wing network threatening democracies

This database, which results from a year of meticulous research, exposes the mechanisms through which these forces erode democratic norms and foster geopolitical instability.

20 percent of common produce carry unhealthy levels of pesticides new report says

Of the 59 common produce items evaluated, popular produce like strawberries, green beans and potatoes posed the highest risks.

US diplomacy thwarts Palestinian UN membership amid claims of supporting statehood leaked cable shows

This diplomatic maneuvering seeks to avoid a U.S. veto, which would publicly align the country against Palestinian self-determination.

GOP attorneys general petition against EPA’s use of civil rights law for environmental justice

The petition, if successful, could have dire consequences for communities living near industrial sites.