Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Tag: politics

Tax the rich? Most Americans think it’s a great idea

"This is about politicians catching up to where Americans have been."

Goebbels is alive and well…In Amerika!

Goebbels, if he is looking UP from his lowest point in the cosmos, must be so proud of what his work had accomplished here in Amerika.

Government ethics office refuses to certify Wilbur Ross’ financial disclosure

“Trump’s own ethics watchdog today confirmed that Secretary Ross violated his ethics agreement and federal ethics laws by lying about stock holdings he was supposed to divest.”

Trump’s national emergency creates another border crisis – for families, wildlife, protected...

The president’s “unlawful declaration over a crisis that does not exist does great violence to our Constitution and makes America less safe, stealing from urgently needed defense funds for the security or our military and our nation.”

Ilhan Omar grills Trump’s Venezuela envoy Elliott Abrams on his role...

Democratic Congressmember Ilhan Omar of Minnesota questioned Abrams about his record on Wednesday during his testimony before the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

Veni, Vidi, Tweeti (I came, I saw, I tweeted)

Someday, if people ask the obvious question – not who lost Afghanistan, but who lost America? – keep all those failed imperial wars and the national security state that went with them in mind when you try to answer.

‘Genius’ shut-down exposes Trump ‘fix-ations’

Trump can’t fix anything, certainly not his own credibility and lost leverage, and that makes his tenure a fusillade of fixations repeated ad infinitum.

Gearing up for possibility of another Trump shutdown, airport workers ready...

"We need people to fully understand what the issues are so that we can be prepared to respond potentially with withholding our service, if that's what it takes to stop a continuation of the shutdown."

America is already socialist, and that’s a good thing

AOC and her colleagues – not Donald Trump and old, white Republican politicians – represent the future.

‘Same BS from big cable funded politicians:’ Alarm bells over ‘deceptive’...

"All three of the lawmakers behind these bills essentially rubber stamped [FCC Chairman] Ajit Pai's repeal of net neutrality; that should tell you everything you need to know about their true intentions."


IDF issues evacuation order to 100,000 in Rafah as looming assault sparks fear of...

Israel Defense Forces order more than 100,000 Palestinians to evacuate Rafah ahead of an impending military offensive, despite warnings of humanitarian catastrophe.

Brand loyalties dominate our life choices – but party brands are hardly created equal

Sorry, but a convicted scoundrel struggling to stay out of jail only to become a fascist commando sounds like a miracle way to lose.

New era of inequality: Billionaires pay less in taxes than the working class

Economist Gabriel Zucman's analysis reveals that for the first time, U.S. billionaires have a lower effective tax rate than working-class Americans, sparking a renewed debate on wealth tax.

“Full-Blown Famine” ravages northern Gaza, U.N. official declares amid prolonged conflict

Nearly seven months into the Gaza conflict, the World Food Program warns of a spreading famine in the north, intensifying humanitarian crises despite increased aid efforts.

Arizona abortion rights face crucial test as Governor Hobbs repeals century-old ban

This legislative change, which has been long sought by advocates, sets the stage for a November ballot measure that could further secure abortion rights in Arizona.