Friday, April 19, 2024

Tag: U.S. Economy

Abuses that Wouldn’t Exist in a Socialist America

"Our current capitalist-driven inequalities will only be rectified when people realize that a strong community makes successful individuals, not the other way around." Paul Buchheit discusses the few ways we would benefit with a social democracy.

The Rigging of the American Market

The national debate about widening inequality only focuses on taxing the rich to redistribute their income downward. But what about the upward redistributions hidden inside the market from the rest of the rich?

Chris Christie to Leave Over 3,000 Disabled People Homeless

Chris Christie is ending a three-year extension program designed to help people with permanent disability support. Is Christie trying to balance the state’s budget on the backs of disabled Americans while continuing to give to the rich?

New 2015 Wealth Data: US Inequality at Its Ugliest

According to the Credit Suisse Global Wealth Databook, the wealthy elite's continuing disdain for the poor, the middle class and people all around the world is disturbing. These wealth gap realities are victimizing the great majority of Americans.

Five Great American Hypocrisies

Which of the American 'exceptionalism' is most outrageous and destructive? Paul Buchheit discusses the top five hypocrisies of the super-patriots willing to overlook their own faults as they place themselves above other people.

Plain Radical: Living, Loving and Learning to Leave the Planet Gracefully

Crony capitalism, corporate personhood and too-big-to-fail corporations are the biggest problems in today’s economy. Robert Jensen's new book offers an honest economic analysis, which critiques capitalism.

VIDEO: Obama and Putin Spar at UN: Will Regime Change in...

During a formal meeting in New York, President Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed their views on Syria and Ukraine with Obama expressing his willingness to work with Russia to resolve the Syrian crisis.

Three Exceptional Facts About America

A tide of paranoia is mounting with the litany of predictions of doom and disaster for the U.S. Tom Engelhardt discusses why it's safe to be a paranoid American living in today's world.

Donald Trump Proves What’s Wrong with Bankruptcy Laws in America

One of the biggest economic issues America faces today is what to do when someone can’t pay what they owe. While we are searching for the solution, we don’t need Donald Trump to give us the answer.

Moneyed Elites Get Richer the Old-Fashioned Way: Stealing

Financial and political elites have been rigging the system for the enrichment of the few and the impoverishment of the many. Don't be fooled, these thieves are stealing from all of us.


US diplomacy thwarts Palestinian UN membership amid claims of supporting statehood leaked cable shows

This diplomatic maneuvering seeks to avoid a U.S. veto, which would publicly align the country against Palestinian self-determination.

Supreme silence: High court decision curtails protest rights, stifling voices in the South

As the case now returns to lower courts for further proceedings, the national discourse on the limits of free speech and the right to protest continues to evolve.

Supreme Court questions use of obstruction law in Jan. 6 riot cases amid concerns...

This law is now at the center of a legal battle concerning its suitability for punishing those who stormed the Capitol during the certification of the 2020 election results.

Missouri Republican Attorney General Bailey sues Media Matters using consumer law to censor the...

An analysis of Mo. Attorney General Andrew Bailey's bogus allegations against Media Matters.

New report reveals millionaires’ tax rates slashed by half since 1950s, fueling wealth inequality

This stark reduction in tax rates for the wealthiest Americans coincides with an era of escalating income disparity and could be costing the federal government hundreds of billions in lost revenue annually.