This year, despite the unnerving presidential freak show the Republicans are putting on, Hillary Clinton is the one who recently stunned me.
Attempting to convince wary working class families that she’ll lift up the poor, shore up the middle class, and stand against the abuses of her Wall Street financial backers, Clinton made a horrifying declaration that she’ll bring back Bill.
Specifically, she promised that her former-president husband will be put “in charge of revitalizing the economy.”
Good grief. Isn’t he the big galoot who turned his economic policy over to Wall Street’s Machiavellian, Robert Rubin?
And didn’t Bill break his 1992 campaign promise to raise the minimum wage in his first year? Afraid so — he put it off until his fourth year, and even then provided only a token increase that left the working poor still mired in poverty.

(Photo: Kate Wellington / Flickr)
And let’s not forget his “welfare reform” bill, which shredded the safety net for America’s poorest, most vulnerable people.
This is the same Bill who rammed NAFTA down our throats, creating the job-sucking sound that continues to devastate today’s middle class. He also colluded with laissez-faire ideologues and plutocratic Republicans to deregulate Wall Street, allowing global speculators to wreck our economy by playing casino games with our bank deposits and home mortgages.
By the way, since leaving office, Bill has amassed a personal fortune through smarmy, often-secret deals with Wall Street banks and global corporations.
Why would Hillary threaten workaday Americans with another poke in the eye from this big money con man? Instead, she should use Bill’s gift of gab by making him her official greeter for White House visitors.