GOP Health care bill dies once again after two more Republicans withdraw their support

Senators Jerry Moran and Mike Lee just put the nail in the coffin.


The Republican health care bill, meant to repeal and replace Obamacare, is once again dead (for now).

After two Republican Senators, Mike Lee (R-UT) and Jerry Moran (R-KS), announced on Monday that they will not support the motion to proceed, the bill no longer has the support it needs to move forward in the Senate.

The health care bill, dubbed “Trumpcare”, is the Republicans’ way of repealing and replacing Obamacare, but so far has no support from Democrats and very little Republican support.

Other Republican Senators that do no support the bill include Susan Collins (R-ME) and Rand Paul (R-KY). The two Senators announced last week that they would also vote against the motion to proceed.

Jerry Moran’s statement was posted on Twitter:

Lee said in a statement on Monday:

“After conferring with trusted experts regarding the latest version of the Consumer Freedom Amendment, I have decided I cannot support the current version of the Better Care Reconciliation Act. In addition to not repealing all of the Obamacare taxes, it doesn’t go far enough in lowering premiums for middle-class families; nor does it create enough free space from the most costly Obamacare regulations.”

Republican Senators Rob Portman (R-OH), John Hoeven (R-ND), Dean Heller (R-NV), and Jeff Flake (R-AZ) were all undecided about the bill and could have still gone either way, but Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV) and Susan Collins (R-ME) said on Tuesday that they will not support moving forward with the plan to repeal ObamaCare with a delayed replacement.


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Alexandra Jacobo is a dedicated progressive writer, activist, and mother with a deep-rooted passion for social justice and political engagement. Her journey into political activism began in 2011 at Zuccotti Park, where she supported the Occupy movement by distributing blankets to occupiers, marking the start of her earnest commitment to progressive causes. Driven by a desire to educate and inspire, Alexandra focuses her writing on a range of progressive issues, aiming to foster positive change both domestically and internationally. Her work is characterized by a strong commitment to community empowerment and a belief in the power of informed public action. As a mother, Alexandra brings a unique and personal perspective to her activism, understanding the importance of shaping a better world for future generations. Her writing not only highlights the challenges we face but also champions the potential for collective action to create a more equitable and sustainable world.