Conspiring House wackos bottom-fish with stunt Trumpism

Don’t impeach after just losing a vote – / Though so much losing must get your goat.


Now stymied crazies belch out gas,
With malicious threats loaded with sass;
Can’t abide Democrats in power?
Throw endless tantrums and glower.

When Biden gains make wackos weep,  
Blind outrage disrupts their sleep;
Deranged bluster lacking moral sense
Concocts bizarre, made-up offense.

Because Trump was impeached twice,
Lackeys taint Biden equal in vice;
Because all “elites” dishonor laws, 
Must not all foes have fatal flaws?

Says MTG, we must “someone” impeach – 
Who cares if there’s zero legal breach?
Unlimited is the rightwing babble,
The cheapest shots sucker more rabble.

Go for it, hunt victims to remove,
Only find core offenses you can prove;
Don’t impeach after just losing a vote – 
Though so much losing must get your goat.

Endless laughter at the great House flop – 
Nothing ties Joe to Hunter’s laptop.
While massive truckloads convict Trump,
What scandals make Joe a chump? 

How long will voters endure such crap,
Stunt politics is a vicious trap;
Forget about minimal governance 
These losers foist a hypnotic trance.  

The “Freedom” Caucus’ operetta – 
A vile, take-no-hostages vendetta;
Worse than a do-nothing Congress  
Are co-conspirators as accomplice.


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For over a decade, Robert S. Becker's independent, rebel-rousing essays on politics and culture analyze overall trends, history, implications, messaging and frameworks. He has been published widely, aside from Nation of Change and RSN, with extensive credits from OpEdNews (as senior editor), Alternet, Salon, Truthdig, Smirking Chimp, Dandelion Salad, Beyond Chron, and the SF Chronicle. Educated at Rutgers College, N.J. (B.A. English) and U.C. Berkeley (Ph.D. English), Becker left university teaching (Northwestern, then U. Chicago) for business, founding SOTA Industries, a top American high end audio company he ran from '80 to '92. From '92-02, he was an anti-gravel mining activist while doing marketing, business and writing consulting. Since then, he seeks out insight, even wit in the shadows, without ideology or righteousness across the current mayhem of American politics.