Friday, July 26, 2024

Antebellum America Redux

What is the answer to this problem that has been with our nation since its founding?


We want a serious change in our federal spending priorities away from destruction to actual human needs.

Veterans and former industrial workers need to be a priority during the Covid-19 pandemic

The people who are in the high-risk groups must protect themselves from getting infected with the new coronavirus as it can be quite dangerous.

Right off the right wing radar screen!!

What we have here in this, the middle of an 'Era changing' pandemic, is the use of power by this administration and its Republican Party cohorts going right off the radar screen!

The power elite has always run Amerika

"Who, after all, runs America? No one runs it altogether, but in so far as any group does, the power elite."

Not exceptional. It’s strange.

Here are examples where America is different from other countries...

Trumping It Up at Mar-a-Lago

“This is the man who wants to be America’s next president. I shudder at the thought.”

The karma of ‘blowback’

Sadly, the greatest recruiting tool for the fanatics out there has been our empire's lies, deceptions, illegal invasions, illegal occupations, massive airstrikes on civilians, and of course Torture!

Time for a Nonviolent Assault on Our Blood-Stained Congress

“It is time to end this experiment with transmogrifying the entire US into Tombstone Territory with everyone armed to the teeth prepared to either be a bad guy or take out a bad guy. It is not working.”

Junk planet: Is Earth the largest garbage dump in the universe?

We can contribute to the ongoing creation of Earth as the planet of junk. Or we can use our conscience, intelligence and determination to guide us in resisting the destruction of our world.