Sunday, April 28, 2024

Total number of black Americans killed by the US police. Why Joe Biden may...

In clear words, he could be considered as a threat to minority voters.

Taking down the statue

This attack on Fraser’s work comes in the midst of a nation-wide movement to tear down statues which desecrate the history of blacks and Native Americans.

Racism Or….?

If you don’t like racist slogans on merchandise, just say so.

Low budget Amerika!

Without that extra UBI income, many of us will never be able to survive this Economic Pandemic!!

Be black, be brave

Let’s return to that idea: we shall arm the militia, and no one else. The Militia shall be comprised of all races and sexes. No one – not even the police – shall have guns.

The elite’s Covid-19 coup to destroy humanity that is also fast-tracking four paths to...

I encourage you to have a ponder. There is a great deal at stake at this time. A human future, no less.

Crisis means danger and opportunity

The present crisis will undoubtedly lead to great change, but will it be takeovers by neo-fascist leaders such as Trump? Or will the change be social reforms?

Who for Veep?

The big question for Bernie-ites is who they want for vice-president.

Creating a mixed race legal system

We should swear an oath that our children will never need to experience a George Floyd death, and the unfairness and inequality that we have today shall be no more.

Too much bull excrement!!

All those nice and decent companies want to see you through this, of course, IF you use their products or services.