Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Ecuador endangered

From the cloud forests in the Andes to the indigenous territories in the headwaters of the Amazon, the Ecuadorean government has covertly granted these mining concessions to multinational mining companies from China, Australia, Canada, and Chile, amongst others.

In defense of the human individual

In essence, the foundation of any strategy for human survival must be the powerful individual.

Quick guide to explaining left and right wings to kids

As you keep this guide in mind, just remember that you’re not expecting your child to fully understand the Left and the Right, and then pick a side.

67 years in the peace movement

I would like to announce the publication of a book which discusses the things that I have experienced during my 67 years of work in the peace movement.

Manifesting the Worst Old Norms

“Leave Trump to his own devices. Let his poor values wither on his patriarchal bully vine.”

Time for a Nonviolent Assault on Our Blood-Stained Congress

“It is time to end this experiment with transmogrifying the entire US into Tombstone Territory with everyone armed to the teeth prepared to either be a bad guy or take out a bad guy. It is not working.”

Lament for Humanity: A 50 Year Reflection

“I am not going to get another 50 years to try to create the world of peace, justice and sustainability for which many of us strive but I am going to use every single moment of the time I have left.”

Nonviolence and trust

This week I joined others from my town in a State Department initiative called City Pair; in this case, "pairing" Portland, Oregon...

Bloodless Occupation

“It is so sad to see Muslim extremists reverting to 12th-century brutality and American ‘patriots’ regressing to 19th-century behavior.”

In Clinton Case, Obama Administration Nullifies 6 Criminal Laws

“If we are a nation “of laws, not of men” (as that old basic description of democracy phrased it), then Ms. Clinton will be prosecuted, at least through the grand jury stage, on (at least) those grounds.”