Wednesday, May 1, 2024

The good

They all saw beyond the illusions created by this current 'Everyone for themselves Capitalism on Steroids'. They did and they do good for the sake of, well, doing good!

Forget the white sheets…put on your brown shirts!!

As much as we on the Left say that voting is not the answer, this time it IS!!

The anti-empire report #159: The mind of the mass media

What is it that motivates such people? I think it’s mainly that they realize that blame for much of environmental damage can be traced, directly or indirectly, to corporate profit-seeking behavior, an ideology to which they are firmly committed.

Will Millennials and Gen Z see Social Security? An in-depth look

Keep your eyes open and make smart money moves, whether you're in your teens, twenties, or thirties. Your future self will thank you for them.

Tip was right

Will voters awaken in California’s 49th? Will there be a wave of Democrats to replace the corrosively corrupt Republicans in a Congress stuck on stupid?

The two 500 lb. gorillas in the room

Who needs the super rich? I don’t. Do you?

From Realpolitik to “Digitalpolitik”

In a very enlightening report by Foreign Policy magazine “the war torn the web”* describes how the war for the web will...

Trump’s biggest test so far

If President-Elect Trump declines to take advantage of this “blatant” opportunity to change course in a constructive direction on U.S. foreign relations, then what realistic expectation can there be that he ever will do so?

The safe and secure war lords

With Memorial Day around the corner, once again the War Lords who run our empire will propagandize to their hearts content.

Coronavirus outbreak leads to a rise in racism towards Asian people

Many Asians using the hashtag #JeNeSuisPasUnVirus—or “I’m not a virus”, in an order to aware people regarding this and to generate a kind of sympathy and respect in people hearts.