Sunday, May 5, 2024

Culture war on

I'm certain there is a way we can meaningfully unite, and not in a war against The Other overseas or south of the border.

Trump’s effect on human rights

Trump has affected human rights in America in a pretty solid way.

You want an infowar, fine

“I’m the first to resist our national terrible policy and I have the arrest record to prove it, but this is still my country and yours too, and we have a greedhead fake president who took foreign help to steal the highest office in our land.”

‘Must be the season of the RICH’

We are living in an age here in an Amerika that not only rivals the infamous Gilded Age (1870-1890) but surpasses it!

Those tax-and-spend Republicans

If you are a middle class or poor person your taxes will rise either immediately or gradually over the next decade.

Stop Trump movement

Time to reach out to each other. Hello?

Amerika’s Jacob’s ladder

In this fantastic (in a poor sense) version of 2017's Jacob’s Ladder the other right-wing political party, the lesser of two evils Democrats, actually are looking very appealing to many. Why not?


“I honestly think that until we get on the same page, you can’t tell a woman about their abuse. A man cannot do that. No one can. It is so individual and so personal, it’s galling when a powerful man steps up and starts dictating the terms, whether he intends it or not.”

Where is Marley’s ghost… When we really need him?

The overwhelming preponderance of dead-end box store jobs and part-time positions offering little or no benefits is what we have become in this so-called modern era.

Capitalism and the world we are creating

Capitalism as an economic system has been hoisted to a status none dare criticize as though it were a religion.