Monday, May 6, 2024

Will Hillary Take Plutocratic ‘Clinton, Inc.’ Global?

Welcome to the new series, “The Hero of a Thousand Escapes.” What other celebrity political duo instantly transforms any election into melodrama at best, family intrigue at worse, rife with influence peddling, suspect donations, policy failures (NAFTA, health care), strategic blunders (Libya, Syria, China), and bungled secrecy that inevitably gets unmasked? The greatest downside to President Hillary is elevation of first female whose gender novelty promises no jolts to the grievous status quo nor confrontation to the plutocracy that funds it (and her). Forget her age: Hillary's range (and clientele) represent something new and more dangerous.

Two parties: Two countries

Can we heal this? I believe so, given honest effort and compassion, two qualities crucial for our future as a country, and as a free people.

6 causes you should care about right now

The following are examples of some of the most worthwhile causes out there.

The Civil War Returns to New Orleans

“So, as we grapple with the need to regulate banks and pharmaceutical companies, greenhouse emissions and guns, let us give some thought to the regulating of racism and other hateful attitudes through the judicious use of those public institutions that help shape attitudes from generation to generation.”

Conflict theory and biosphere annihilation

If you are not able to emulate Gandhi (at least ‘in spirit’) by living modestly, it is your own emotional dysfunctionality – particularly unconscious fear – that is the problem that needs to be addressed.

Stooge time for Amerika

Children like NIkolas Cruz, who are mentally ill, will continue to be pushed along by agencies that don't have the resources or staffing to really stop this madness... until the next trigger is pulled!

Is the People’s Party moving?

We progressives cannot just sit there. We need to organize, and do it now, in order to be ready for whatever comes our way.

Fake news about energy, clean and dirty

I used to listen to Freakonomics, an interesting podcast, until it called nuclear energy clean and nonpolluting. I haven’t listened to any...

Never had a chance!

It was 1956, Brooklyn, NYC, the year after our beloved Dodgers had finally won a World Series from those Damn Yankees. We...

How keeping workers safe benefits employers

Companies are beginning to understand that creating safe working environments bring various benefits aside from protecting profits.