Saturday, November 9, 2024

Indians become Guardians

Racism is a tag that has hung around America for far too long. Let’s end it now.

Calibrating for fake v real news

Welcome to the era of mass gaslighting. Infowars. Trump. Putin. Bin Salman. Fox News.

Why is there so much wrong in our society?

A battle is taking place, between those forces in the world that are wedded to the old ways, and a dynamic, global movement for social justice, environmental action, peace and freedom.

Dispossessed in the Name of ‘Security’

“The military is looking to expand its role by emphasizing what it portrays as ‘security’ threats arising from ecological disasters.”

This land is your land

The trial in tiny Cavalier, North Dakota, in remote Pembina County, was heartbreaking.

Exploring the consequences of the urban-rural cultural divide in America

There are many political and cultural differences that push false narratives.

Trump’s platform planks

“I made a list of the top 25 planks of Trump’s platform. Did I miss any?”

Homewreckers and nationwreckers united

In most major cities throughout Amerika, there are more homes as rentals than there are homes owned by individuals who live in them.

Gimme shelter too!!

The real crime is that the rents are much higher than if the renter was able to afford a down payment and pay a lower price for a mortgage on the same property!

How clean water is linked with environmental and human health

When the world works together, a brighter and greener future is possible.