Friday, July 26, 2024

A US Media Lost in Propaganda

Vulgar, crude, racist and ultra-sexist though he is, Donald Trump can still see how awful the American mainstream media is.

The Most Important Campaign Speech: Bernie on the Banks

The most important campaign speech this political season broken down piece by piece.

Watch: Bernie Sanders Scares Wall Street in Explosive New Speech

Bernie Sanders' most recent speech wasn't covered by mainstream media. Could it be that he is really starting to scare both big corporations and Wall Street?

What The Media Should Know About Gun Background Checks

Although the details of the plan have not yet been released, several outlets are reporting that the Obama administration will address what is known as the “gun show loophole” or “private sales loophole.”

Surprised? Donald Trump’s First Television Ad Focuses on Immigration

Trump's ad continues with his policy stance on immigration, specifically in regards to Muslims.

The 15 Most Ridiculous Things Conservative Media Said About Climate Change In 2015

4. WSJ Op-Ed Claims Finding That Bacon Causes Cancer Is Part Of Climate Change Conspiracy.

Why Isn’t the Media Feeling the Bern?

Polls show that Bernie Sanders would trounce Donald Trump, but you’d never know that from watching TV news.

Coke’s PR Scam Explodes

The jig is up for the sugar-water purveyor’s bogus obesity study group.

Trump: The Party Divider, Unifying Everyone Else

Trump like none before unites by being ferociously, obnoxiously divisive. Intended or not, this narcissistic bully is doing his damnedest to overcome entrenched, party divisions we thought fixed in stone.

How to Deal With Your Uncle Bob

In preparation for the holidays, here’s a survival guide for dealing with your right-wing relatives.