Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Trump administration takes first massive step for drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

The Trump administration claims drilling in ANWR will help "our nation's energy demands and achieve energy dominance," but environmental groups strongly disagree.

UK goes 55 hours without coal power, breaking record

In January, the UK government announced plans to phase out coal generation by 2025.

Americans believe climate change education should be taught in schools, recent poll says

The Yale Program on Climate Change (YPCCC) reported that in a national average, 78 percent of people polled responded they either somewhat or strongly agreed.

DC’s March for Science Evolved

NationofChange joins thousands at the second annual March for Science, which has evolved considerably.

Trial date set for groundbreaking kids’ climate lawsuit

"It is a relief to see that the Court understands how imperative it is to get this trial underway as soon as possible, despite all of the delay tactics the U.S. government continues to try to use."

Bayer, Monsanto merger gets green light from the DOJ

A proposed merger between Bayer AG and Monsanto passed a United States regulatory hurdle despite opposition from various food and farm groups.

15 state AGs sue EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt for not enforcing pollution controls

“Over and over again, the Trump administration has put polluters before the health and safety of New Yorkers.”

New UK study proves plastic bag legislation is working

"Great to see less plastic bags in our oceans, but we need the government to put an end to the use of all avoidable single-use plastic by 2025."

Michigan approves Nestlé’s permit to increase water intake

"Sadly, the DEQ chose to give the green light to Nestlé to continue pumping our water..."

A death in Louisiana’s cancer alley reinforces a small town’s fears of industry impacts

Helping the residents of St. James relocate seems more feasible than assuring them that the air they are breathing is clean.