Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Court allows Trump to bulldoze environmental laws for border wall

"Congress has ceded its authority to Trump, who has swept aside fundamental public safety and environmental laws to build walls that won't work."

Study finds solar farms support and boost pollinator populations

While new habitats for vulnerable pollinators are dwindling, if land owners allow meadows to grow around the installed solar panels, these areas will become thriving pollinator habitats, researchers said.

Ship It Zero coalition sends open letter to Target requesting meeting to discuss health-harming...

“We urge you to be the climate and public health champion that port and coastal communities need by committing to immediately reduce and completely eliminate maritime emissions this decade."

Another set back for TransCanada: Keystone XL pipeline in Nebraska to go through ‘robust...

Since the pipeline will now follow an alternative route and not its original route, Morris wrote the government "cannot escape their responsibility."

Standing Rock prepared us for Trump’s billionaires and oil giants

Continuing to shrink our oil consumption is one way to challenge the oil uber alles mentality of the Trump administration.

Why is a dump for Hurricane Harvey debris next to an African American community?

“It is appalling what is going on in that community."

World’s first wave-powered buoy turns seawater into drinking water

Besides providing a constant source of clean water, the SAROS can help island nations curb their use of dirty energy.

EPA reverses approval of poison traps used to kill wildlife

Last week, Trump’s EPA had made the decision to reauthorize the use of deadly cyanide traps to kill the wild animals that...

Funding for ‘sustainable biomass’ a drop in the ocean compared with Drax subsidies, campaigners...

Critics say the North Yorkshire power station is likely to continue burning wood pellets for electricity, and that the amounts granted to new projects are too low to result in any significant technological breakthroughs.