Monday, May 20, 2024

US Fish and Wildlife Service delists gray wolves from Endangered Species Act

The final rule, which excludes Mexican wolves, will be published in the Federal Register on Nov. 3 and go into effect 60 days later.

World’s last male northern white rhino dies

"Now, more than ever, we must stand together and protect our rhinos."

Let’s rename the day after Thanksgiving ‘extinction Friday’

The annual Black Friday ode to commercialism and overconsumption sits at the core of our ongoing destruction of Earth’s ecosystems.

‘We are still in’: U.S. leaders reaffirm commitment to Paris Agreement

“U.S. leadership on climate change doesn't begin or end in Washington.”

Trump caves to Big Ag, reverses humane requirements for “USDA Organic” livestock

Consumers pay more for organic with the expectation that the animals are treated more humanely than in conventional farming.

Farming Frogs Can Save Them From Extinction

Diseases are killing off many of Panama’s frog and salamander species. Are there enough animals left to breed them in captivity?

New Mexico stuck with $8 billion in cleanup for oil wells, highlighting dangers from...

The oil industry boasts that it fills state coffers with revenues from drilling, but a new study finds a serious gap in funding available to tackle the environmental legacy of abandoned wells.

The climate crisis could make your grocery bill even higher

“I don’t think farming in California has ever been more complex and more challenging."

The epidemic of e-cigarettes: Judge rules FDA must implements regulations, sides with public health...

“The FDA oversight over the sales and marketing of these harmful products has languished for too long."