Sunday, May 19, 2024

Revolutionary changes in transportation, from electric vehicles to ride sharing, could slow global warming...

In the newly released IPCC report, scientists concluded that immediate cuts are necessary to stop emissions. Systemic changes currently underway in the transportation sector could begin lowering that emissions footprint—but will it be enough?

Congressmember Lowenthal to introduce bill to clean up global shipping industry

The bill would "clean up the shipping industry, protect the health of port communities, address environmental injustice, and provide solutions to the climate crisis."

Progressive Briefing for Wednesday, September 26

Bill Cosby sentenced to prison, UN condemns U.S. for lack of universal health care, Montana judge restores grizzly bears' protection, and more.

How major southeast utilities paid local media for favorable coverage

This is an example of how big money can interact with the decline in local journalism to spread false or misleading information, including about the climate crisis and appropriate solutions.

Farming Frogs Can Save Them From Extinction

Diseases are killing off many of Panama’s frog and salamander species. Are there enough animals left to breed them in captivity?

Using Courts To Build The Movement

The lesson from history is the movement is bigger than the courts. If we keep building on court decisions whether they are with the movement or against it, we will prevail.

Watch: Viral animated video shows how just a fraction of Bill Gates’ $110 billion...

“You’d have to save more than a $100,000 per year for a MILLION years to get there. So where's that wealth tax?”

Donald Trump Says There is No Drought in California

Trump claims California is not in a drought and will open up water to farmers if he is elected president.

Chernobyl Could Become World’s Largest Solar Farm

If construction is approved, Chernobyl's solar farm will hold the title of "World's Largest Solar Plant" before Dubai's massive concentrated solar plant catches up to it.

States Repped By Energy Science-Denying Republicans Leading Way on Wind Power

These Republicans have supported legislation that has helped finance wind investments, but have also adopted Republican dogma on climate science.