Friday, May 17, 2024

Evidence shows oil industry flaring in Texas being done without permits

“Our state regulators—and our industry—has a long way to go to clean up our act.”

Federal court ends Trump effort to open 128 million acres of Atlantic, Arctic oceans...

“As the Biden administration considers its next steps, it should build on these foundations, end fossil fuel leasing on public lands and waters, and embrace a clean energy future.”

How Badly Did The Supreme Court Damage Obama’s Climate Plan?

Whoever gets elected president, and controls the EPA, will literally change the course of the world.

Thanksgiving at Standing Rock

Too many of us whine and grieve that we are losing everything—but do nothing to stop it and just go along.

Australia wildfire coverage is long on koalas, short on causes

Though coverage of the Australian fires was slow to take off, it’s begun to capture more international attention, while highlighting the effects of climate change.

Get ready for unnatural disasters this hurricane season

Donald Trump discusses immigration as if the benefits of residence in the U.S. are a pie. When immigrants get more, the people...

The world’s coffee shops have emerged as plant milk’s front line

Milk made from plants is entering the public consciousness (and stomachs) in coffee shops across the globe.

With tribal blessing, Louisiana activist buys land in path of proposed Bayou Bridge pipeline

“Not only do we now have the blessing of the Atakapa-Ishak Nation to carry on protecting the water on this land, but we also have a growing list of neighbors who are ready to assist in the fight to stop the pipeline.”