Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Corals spawning gives scientists hope for ‘vulnerable ecosystem’

The spawning, which was seen from recorded videos off the coast of Cairns, Queensland, "gives the scientists who observed it hope for the vulnerable ecosystem."

Funding for ‘sustainable biomass’ a drop in the ocean compared with Drax subsidies, campaigners...

Critics say the North Yorkshire power station is likely to continue burning wood pellets for electricity, and that the amounts granted to new projects are too low to result in any significant technological breakthroughs.

Fossil fuel divestment debates on campus spotlight the societal role of colleges and universities

Divestment debates are forcing colleges and universities to reconsider how to contribute to a more resilient and sustainable future.

Senate Energy Democrats hire former industry lobbyist to lead staff

“Hiring a revolving door fossil fuel lobbyist to direct their staff on the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee completely undermines Democratic party leaders’ stated commitment to addressing climate change.”

Running on Green New Deal and economic justice, socialists prevail in Spain’s snap election

"Sánchez came out in support of the U.S. Green New Deal – sometimes translated as 'El New Deal Verde' or 'El Green New Deal de España' – in January and has campaigned on it throughout the election."

Arctic word games or Indigenous survival?

Indigenous leaders call climate change an urgent threat that requires a global response (an idea that was trashed by the Trump administration).

Greenhouse gas emissions fell by 1.9 percent in 2023 in US

After two years of increased emissions, emissions in 2023 fell 17.2 percent lower than those recorded in 2005.

Greenpeace shuts down Houston ship channel to protest oil exports as democratic candidates arrive...

Today, as Democratic presidential contenders arrive for a major debate this evening in Houston, 22 activists from Greenpeace sought to shut down...

Global wildfires are raging, leaving long-lasting damage

Wildfires are nothing new, but the environmental stakes for humanity are extraordinarily high. As fires threaten to destroy the Amazon ecosystem—the world's largest carbon sink—the melting of permafrost in Siberia is accelerating the melting of Greenland's ice cap. The world may be burning, but climate change is still not a burning issue for President Trump, many of his congressional allies and numerous European leaders.

New York becomes third state to ban the pesticide chlorpyrifos

This move could help protect children, agricultural workers, and the environment.