Saturday, June 15, 2024

New data reveals annual increase in US trophy trade trends between 2016 and 2020

“The vast volume of hunting trophies pouring into the United States represents a massive exploitation of wildlife during a global extinction crisis.”

Healthcare workers call on hospitals and medical institutions to divest from fossil fuels

The global fossil fuel divestment campaign continues to grow, but the healthcare sector has thus far refrained from large-scale divestment. A coalition of health professionals wants to change that.

10 ways war harms wildlife

It's not just bombs and bullets.

Oil pipeline Canada bought will cost over $25 billion and never turn profit

"Guaranteeing another $8.8 billion to complete the project will simply be throwing good money after bad," says a new analysis, "for a total taxpayer loss of $26.1 billion."

EPA expected to extend use of bee-killing pesticides

“These insecticides are not helping the productivity of crops on fields — it seems an amazing effort to blanket all these acres with something that doesn’t have a return on investment."

Study warns of ‘profound’ consequences as Amazon nears ‘tipping point’

New research reveals lost rainforest resiliency imperils biodiversity, carbon storage, and the climate "at a global scale."

How storied artist Mel Chin’s ‘constant revolution’ is tackling humanity’s environmental challenges

For this MacArthur fellow, art is a powerful tool for addressing complex environmental issues.

Coors becomes largest US beer brand to replace plastic rings with sustainable alternative

“So we’re eliminating plastic rings from our packaging, starting this year and finishing by 2025."

IPCC report shows need for client action in the world’s cities

The key to securing a liveable future is safeguarding and strengthening nature, the report stated.