Sunday, May 5, 2024

Veterans Affairs official downplays Agent Orange risks, questions critics

Members of Congress who are leaders on veterans' issues said the VA has an obligation to care for vets injured by Agent Orange.

Human exposure to glyphosate has skyrocketed 500% since introduction of GMO crops

The public needs to be better informed of the potential risks of the numerous herbicides sprayed onto our food supply.

Bad bugs: How the White House is stoking a world public health crisis

Bad pathogens and bad policies go hand-in-hand.

The smoke’s gone, but hearts and lungs still may be in danger months after...

The long-term effects of breathing this cocktail are unknown.

Bernie demands to know why once-free prescription drug now costs $375K

“The unfortunate reality is that the United States pays, by far, the highest prescription drug prices in the world,.

A new model for health care respects indigenous agency

In Canada, Inuit and academic health care researchers have teamed up to combat poor cultural awareness in mainstream health care services.

New study finds undisclosed ingredients in Roundup lethal to bumblebees

"Will the Biden administration fix this problem, or will it allow the EPA to continue its past practice of ignoring the real-world harms of pesticides?"

Veterans and former industrial workers need to be a priority during the Covid-19 pandemic

The people who are in the high-risk groups must protect themselves from getting infected with the new coronavirus as it can be quite dangerous.

Monsanto’s Glyphosate Most Heavily Used Weed Killer in History

Monsanto has long maintained the safety of their widely popular product. The agribusiness giant has also vehemently denied glyphosate’s link to cancer.