Tuesday, May 21, 2024

A Major American Meat Company Is Going Big With Antibiotic-Free Pork

Tyson is responding to consumer demand with a new line of meat sourced from pigs raised without drugs.

70% of Americans support deciding state abortion rights by ballot measure: Poll

After an "enormous victory" in Kansas, some progressives argue that ballot measures "are the next frontier" for protecting access to reproductive healthcare.

Panic! The coronavirus debacle—who’s to blame?

It is fair to question whether the media has done, or is doing, a proper job of providing accurate information while avoiding the ratings- and revenue-driven temptation to blow the problem out of proportion.

Why are Moderna’s billionaires airbrushing scientists out of the vaccine patent picture?

Moderna has now filed for a patent on the key vaccine breakthrough these scientists helped produce.

Trump administration buys up nearly all the world’s supply of coronavirus drug remdesivir

Remdesivir was the first drug to be approved by U.S. licensing authorities to treat the new coronavirus.

Progressive organizations launch new campaign: ‘Make Meds Affordable’

The new campaign is calling on President Biden to take executive action to lower drug prices.

The AMA stops us from getting health care

It’s time to put patients first for once in this country, and offer Medicare For All to every American.

Corporate veterinarians serve profit over animals

Solo practitioners who became veterinarians to provide friendly, community-based service now must answer to bean counters at headquarters.

Why the Taliban’s promise to stop the opium trade rings hollow

Uncertainty abounds over what the Taliban’s opium policy will actually look like. In the meantime, the farmers are planting the seeds for next year’s crop right now.

Why is Monsanto losing lawsuits over roundup?

Agrochemical corporation Monsanto created Roundup in the 1970s to help farmers more effectively kill the weeds that harmed their crops. Today, Roundup...