Sunday, May 19, 2024

Where is father’s little helper and why is acid cool?

The path forward relies on our ability to ask the right questions, our ability to tell complicated stories, and on our ability to tolerate pain.

FOIA Request Shows Govt Lied About Lead in Water, Knowingly Poisoning Countless Children

Instead of keeping children safe, Michigan officials repeatedly lied about the safety of their drinking water even though they knew it was poisoned.

Coal Dust Responsible for Thousands of Deaths in the E.U.

Not only does burning coal cost companies and governments billions of pounds in disease treatment and lost working days, but it is proven to be the cause of thousands of deaths.

Koch-connected dark money funds much more than climate denial

It's time to unravel the network of science deniers who claim the mantle of science and expose them for what they are.

‘Taking taxpayers for a ride’: Moderna to charge $32-$37/dose for Covid-19 vaccine developed entirely...

“It ought to be the people’s vaccine, not a new taxpayer burden.”

Medicare for all would save money — and lives

One night a few years ago, my partner woke up delirious with fever, a bright rash, and joint pain so bad he...

Just released docs show Monsanto ‘executives colluding with corrupted EPA officials to manipulate scientific...

Monsanto continues to publicly deny that there are cancer connections to glyphosate or Roundup.

Data reveals farmed salmon to be one of the most toxic foods in the...

Is this omega-rich food worth the risk?

Democratic senators join up to embrace single-payer by co-sponsoring Sanders’ “Medicare for all” bill

This new surge of Democratic support for single-payer health care may just be the beginning.

5 ways we need to improve health care accessibility for vulnerable populations 

The United States is a study in health care inequality.