Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Can the United States Transcend White Supremacy?

The accomplishments of the freedom struggle, anti-lynching campaigns, the civil-rights movement are not insignificant. But that doesn’t change the white-supremacist roots and contemporary reality of the United States.

Bernie Sanders Endorses Hillary Clinton

"She will be the Democratic nominee for president and I intend to do everything I can to make certain she will be the next president of the United States."

Cities Turning to a Plastic-Free Future

Plastic Free July is asking you to ditch one-time use plastic goods for an entire month.

Prison Labor Revolts Shake the Foundations of the Corporate State, Part I

The struggle doesn’t end with prison labor. Prisons also serve a generally repressive function, of which labor is a particular manifestation.

Don’t Stop the Revolution: The Sanders Movement After Orlando

This is the most progressive Democratic platform in history, but only because millions of people demanded it – with their votes and their activism. More activism is needed now.

Legalized Murder and the Politics of Terror

The police kill citizens with impunity, and that is exactly how the system is designed to work. The numerous little police states that exist in poor urban areas across the U.S. are models for a system that would enslave all of us.

Man Who Posted the Video of Alton Sterling’s Death Arrested by Police

If LeDay was targeted for his role in the viral release of the Alton Sterling shooting, he wouldn’t be the first to face retaliation for releasing videos of police brutality

Congress’ Response To Orlando Shooting Is To Try To Legalize Discrimination

House Republicans plan to mark the one month anniversary of the Orlando shooting with a hearing on a bill that would enable widespread discrimination against LGBT people.

Video Reveals Off-Duty Officer Gunning Down Unarmed Man

“New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman’s office and the NYPD both recently announced they have launched separate investigations into the off-duty police shooting after reviewing the footage of the incident.”