Tuesday, May 21, 2024

The endless war in Afghanistan just got longer

President Trump should spend the weekend at Camp David with peace activists, as well as with Afghan civilians, who know their country and its suffering better than anyone.

Groundbreaking Harvard study confirms #ExxonKnew

"This peer-reviewed study from Harvard is just the latest piece of evidence indicating that the largest oil company in the world knew about the risks of climate change, but concealed them from the public and shareholders."

How to get banks not to fund oil pipelines? Aim big and keep showing...

A few months after temporarily shutting down 13 Chase branches, Seattle climate activists were at it again with a tar sands petition.

Why are all those racists so terrified?

In essence, racism is a manifestation of the mental illness of elites manipulating us into doing their insane bidding.

Introduction: The party to (literally) end all parties

Introducing the “Indispensable” party.

An easier way to get to universal health care

Now is the time to push for better health care. Here are three modest, winnable first steps.

2017 World Water Week: ‘Water and waste: reduce and reuse’

Water is key to our future prosperity, and together, we can achieve a water wise world.

Carl Pope: Why Donald Trump is going after our national monuments

Under Trump’s instructions, his cabinet has bountifully rewarded the patron’s favorite clients with sparkling rewards.

The climate movement’s new battle cry

The unimaginable is now possible: 100% renewable energy. We can’t settle for less.

Trump attorney sues Greenpeace over Dakota Access in $300 million racketeering case

“They are apparently trying to market themselves as corporate mercenaries willing to abuse the legal system to silence legitimate advocacy work.”