Wednesday, May 1, 2024

The Delusion ‘I Am Not Responsible’

“Many people evade responsibility, of course, simply by believing and acting as if someone else, perhaps even 'the government', is 'properly' responsible.”

The U.S. Is Downright Weird When It Comes to Firearms

Do hunters really need semi-automatic AR-15 assault weapons? Is that how they roll in deer season? The US public doesn’t think so.

Can the United States Transcend White Supremacy?

The accomplishments of the freedom struggle, anti-lynching campaigns, the civil-rights movement are not insignificant. But that doesn’t change the white-supremacist roots and contemporary reality of the United States.

Fear: What Police Reform Doesn’t Address

The most effective reforms are the ones that build community trust between citizens and the police that serve them.

Bernie Sanders Endorses Hillary Clinton

"She will be the Democratic nominee for president and I intend to do everything I can to make certain she will be the next president of the United States."

Cities Turning to a Plastic-Free Future

Plastic Free July is asking you to ditch one-time use plastic goods for an entire month.

Prison Labor Revolts Shake the Foundations of the Corporate State, Part I

The struggle doesn’t end with prison labor. Prisons also serve a generally repressive function, of which labor is a particular manifestation.

250 Emaciated Lions Found During Trophy Hunting Farm Raid

Thanks to one man’s activism, 250 lions were rescued from being killed by affluent trophy hunters.

Don’t Stop the Revolution: The Sanders Movement After Orlando

This is the most progressive Democratic platform in history, but only because millions of people demanded it – with their votes and their activism. More activism is needed now.