Friday, July 26, 2024

A Quiet Corporate Coup on Capitol Hill

Congressional staffers have gained a lot of control and influence over legislation and corporate lobbyists have long understood this. Flattery and gifts have become a way for lobbyists to get what they want in terms of political gain.

America Being Crushed by a Mountain of Escalating Debt

The U.S. and its citizens are inundated with massive debt as a nation, government, and society. It seems like an impossibility to get this issue under control, especially when a majority of funding goes directly to endless wars.

BNSF Engineer Who Manned Exploding North Dakota ‘Bomb Train’ Sues Former Employer

A former BNSF employee is suing his former employer because he has gone through, and continues to go through, severe and permanent injuries and damages after the company's oil-by-rail train exploded while he was on the job.

Mumia Abu-Jamal Returned to Prison After Hospitalization

Mumia Abu-Jamal has recently returned back to prison after having to be admitted to an intensive care unit because of experiencing a blackout from diabetic shock. He was under heavy surveillance and was only allowed to see close relatives.

Why Indiana’s “Religious Freedom” Law Is Great News for Student Debtors

If enough student debtors in enough RFRA states joined in a class action lawsuit against the financial institutions and got enough public awareness drawn to their cause, one of two things would happen: either the RFRA laws are upheld and the student loans are forgiven, or the RFRA laws are rendered unconstitutional and student debtors are still bound to their debt agreements.

Pennsylvania’s Prison System is Torturing Mumia Abu-Jamal and his Family Too

Abu-Jamal’s current health crisis clearly illustrates this national atrocity. His situation is also clearly unconstitutional, as leaving an inmate untreated, including for a disease like diabetes, has been declared by the US Supreme Court to be "cruel and unusual punishment."

Andergachew Tsige, Ethiopian Brutality, British Apathy

At what point, does neglect in the face of injustice and abuse become complicity? If a Government allows illegal detention and the violation of international justice to take place and says and acts not, are they not guilty in aiding and abetting such actions?

Hate Doesn’t Pay

If Indiana doesn't want to be remembered for being a "bastion of hatred," why did Gov. Mike Pence legalize the controversial Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA)? Hatred is a poison, but organized action is the antidote.

Federal Agents Arrested for Bitcoin Money Laundering and Fraud

Two former federal agents operated in the shadows and above the law during their investigation of the online black market, Silk Road. Now they face charges including money laundering and wire fraud along with other related offenses.

Mumia Abu-Jamal Moved from Prison to Intensive Care, Supporters Seek Access and Answers

Imprisoned journalist and former Black Panther, Mumia Abu-Jamal, has been taken to the Intensive Care Unit of his prison hospital without notifying his family. Democracy Now discusses this situation and what needs to happen next.