Sunday, June 16, 2024

From Flint To Standing Rock To Upstate NY, Organizing To Save Our Water

We cannot sacrifice the planet for profits.

By hunting down the law-abiding undocumented, Trump harms us all

More of those arriving are from Central America rather than Mexico, and they fleeing dangerous situations in their home countries.

Anti-fascist heroines then and now

"If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention."

NYPD fires officer responsible for Eric Garner’s death

Recorded on video using a banned chokehold on Eric Garner in the moments before his death, NYPD Officer Daniel Pantaleo was terminated from the department on Monday. Although...

Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Chair: Obama’s Legacy Rests on Whether He Stops Dakota Access...

A decision on whether the pipeline can proceed under the river rests with the Army Corps of Engineers.

Reform or Revolution

Rosa Luxemburg warned the left about becoming seduced by liberals who speak the language of reform but serve the interests of capitalism. And she understood that holding fast to revolutionary ideals was, especially in a moment of crisis, a moral imperative.

Trump trifecta abuses science, world diplomacy and Mother Nature

Rejecting the Paris accord is the culmination of Trump’s (literally) scorched earth presidency: destroy willy nilly on the irrational assumption what comes next must be better.

From ‘Demos’ to ‘Podemos’: Popular Uprisings in Greece and Spain

The future of Europe is in flux, as popular movements in Greece and Spain gain power and challenge traditional economic and political systems. The global economic crisis created enormous suffering for billions around the world, but it also created an opening.

Deputy under investigation after tackling teenage quadruple amputee on video

“Men with badges should not be acting this way. Men and women who do act this way should not have badges and guns.”

Movements matter as Puzder and Flynn are forced out

The engine driving both ousters are movements of thousands upon thousands of people across the country, saying “no” to hate, bigotry and injustice.