Support the #MeToo movement and stand up to sexual harassment
We cannot allow victims to believe they are alone. We must stand up to sexual harassment.
Bring awareness and demand change: Immigrant families being forced to separate
Let's raise awareness, and demand change, of the tactics the Trump administration is utilizing when dealing with immigrant families.
Pledge to fight the pollution of face masks
Pledge to protect those around us and our environment by wearing reusable face masks.
Pledge to ditch the plastic straw
Join us in saying no to the single-use plastic straw and encourage those around you to do the same!
Don’t let the government keep us in the DARK
Sign this pledge to demand support for mandatory GMO labeling and tell your Senators to the new bill introduced by Senator Pat Roberts.
Pledge to reduce your plastic usage
Sign the pledge to reduce your plastic usage.
Pledge to help foster a new generation of political candidates, activists and leaders
Take the pledge and show your support for the need for change in our politicians.
Pledge to fight against ocean drilling
You can do your part to fight against this expansion of offshore drilling.
Pledge to spread the word on canned hunting!
Stand up and fight for those who do not have the ability to fight for themselves.
Pledge to support the racial justice movement
Sign the pledge to support the racial justice movement.