Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Koch Brothers attempt to lower corporate taxes

This document set out a five-phase plan for helping to pass these Koch-favoring tax reforms.

Ohio teachers win back regular raises

Preparation, communication, and unity were the keys to their success.

Meet the MEK, the US establishment’s favorite Islamist cult

“Nobody joins a cult. Nobody joins something they think’s gonna hurt them. You join a religious organization, you join a political movement...” –Deborah Layton

Three Republicans vote to kill Senate effort to repeal Obamacare

All it took was three Republicans to vote against the bill. Has this killed Republicans efforts to repeal Obamacare for good?

The Democrats’ new agenda is everything that’s wrong with the party

More bland messaging and populist posturing won’t save the Democrats. The party needs to take a bold stand against corporate power.

The resistance to health care repeal rolls on

The effort to kill Obamacare is not complete. Expect vigorous protests throughout August.

Capitol Hill staff prevent journalists from reporting on health care protesters

In at least one case, a journalist says he was forced to delete a video he had recorded.

New map reveals where the world’s most toxic countries are

Believe it or not, the five least-toxic countries are found in Africa. And the most toxic? The Middle East.

Environmentalists urge Democrats to join Sanders in opposing dirty energy bill

“As a nation, our job is to move away from fossil fuels toward sustainable energy and energy efficiency,” says Sanders. “This bill does the opposite.”

Trump and the Christian fascists

Let us openly defy the liberal establishment, which will not save us, to demand and fight for economic reparations for the poor and the working class.